Arnett Dissertation Awards


NomineeDissertation Title
Regencia, ZypherBody Image Perception and Skin-Lightening Practices on Mental Health of Emerging Filipino Adults
Al-Saadi, RihamPreserving My Arab Self While Finding My Home in Canada
Konings, FemkeThe Digitalization of Dating Dynamics
Chung, HaeyoonStereotypes, Discrimination, and Ethnic Identity among Asian American Emerging Adults during COVID-19

Honorable Mentions

NomineeDissertation Title
Carter, JosephStrength and Stigma Among Racially Minoritized Gender Diverse Emerging Adults
Westberg, Dulce WilkinsonWho Am I? Exploring Narrative Identity Through an Intersectional Framework
Papp, LeanaSexualized Aggression in College Drinking Settings