Guidelines for Presenters

Congratulations on having your proposal accepted for the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood conference in Charleston, SC, on June 4-6, 2025! The following guidelines will help you prepare for your session. You’ll be notified about your assigned day and time in mid-April, and participants in paper sessions will be informed who the Session Chair is at that time so you can begin communications about your plans.

Organized Individual Paper Sessions

Each Paper Session is scheduled for 60 minutes and includes three or four papers.

Paper sessions must be organized as follows:
• 2 minutes for introductory comments by the Session Chair
• 15 minutes per presentation for sessions including three papers, or 12 minutes per paper for those with four, including any questions following each presentation
• 10 minutes for discussion, moderated by the Session Chair

All presenters should send final versions of their papers to their Session Chair at least ONE WEEK prior to the conference. Chairs should load all presentations on their laptop and connect the laptop at least 10 minutes prior to the session.

Each presenter should also bring their own presentation on a memory stick/flash drive, as a back-up.

Submitted Symposia

Each Symposium will be scheduled for 75 minutes and includes three or four papers, grouped by related themes.

Paper sessions must be organized as follows:
• 2 minutes for introductory comments by the Session Chair
• 15 minutes per paper presentation, including any questions following each presentation
• 15 minutes (slightly less for sessions with four papers) for discussion at the conclusion of the scheduled papers

All presenters should send final versions of their papers to their Session Chair at least ONE WEEK prior to the conference. Chairs should load all presentations on their laptop and connect the laptop to the projector at least 10 minutes prior to the session.

Each presenter should also bring their own presentation on a memory stick/flash drive, as a back-up.

All presenters should send a brief (1-2 sentence) bio to their Session Chair so that the chair can provide introductions prior to each presentation.

Roundtable Discussions

Roundtable discussions are scheduled for 60 minutes and typically include three Panelists and a Moderator.

The recommended allocation of time is 35 minutes for discussion among the panelists, followed by 25 minutes for discussion with the audience.

Roundtable discussions should not include individual presentations from the panelists, and use of Powerpoint slides is strongly discouraged. Rather, the Moderator should prepare a series of questions to be posed to the panelists for discussion. No less than a month prior to the conference, the Moderator should provide the panelists with the questions (between 4-7 questions) so that the panelists have sufficient time to prepare their remarks.

Poster Presentations

The dimensions of poster boards are 4′ high x 8′ long, with the usable space making your poster a recommended maximum of 3.75’ tall and 7.5’ wide (1.14 x 2.3 metres). At the conference, poster boards will be numbered, and your assigned board will be listed in the program book. Please bring your poster and pushpins to your session, and be prepared to put up and take down your poster in a timely manner at the start and end of the session.

In order to make poster sessions as engaging and conversational as possible, we are strongly encouraging presenters to follow a new approach to poster design and content that streamlines the amount of detail presented, including a summary statement that will hook a passing by viewer.

You can see examples of this approach in these helpful videos:

How to create a better research poster in less time

How to create a better virtual scientific poster for max impact

As these demonstrate, the goal is to limit content on the poster to highlights that will really catch the attention of viewers and lead to real conversations about your research, with the full details provided on handouts and/or through QR codes linking to a virtual poster additional content.

You are welcome to use a more traditional design including all details about your study, but we hope you’ll try this new approach that will make it far easier to open up discussion of your work than the usual overwhelming amount of detail!