Frequently Asked Questions

The following information is often requested by members:

How do we contact SSEA?

Best mode of contact is by email: Please note that this is not a continually monitored email box and there might be a small delay.

Where is SSEA?

SSEA is a virtual entity however, for tax purposes and legal reasons, SSEA is “housed” at Clark University.

  • Legal Address: 950 Main Street Worcester, MA 01610

Date established as a 501 (c)(3)?

The Society is organized exclusively for scientific, educational, and charitable purposes, within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. 

  • Date SSEA became a charitable organization: 1/1/2013

How is SSEA organized?

Nine elected officers of the Society form the SSEA Governing Council. A President, who shall serve a two-year term, a President-Elect, and a Past-President, plus six Governing Council members who shall serve 4-year terms: four Full Members, and two Emerging Scholars. SSEA Current Leadership

How many members does SSEA have?

The Membership of the Society consists of Full Members, Postdoctoral/Early Career Members, Graduate Student Members, Emeritus Members, Student Affiliate Members and General Affiliate Members. Membership is open to any individual actively engaged in research, teaching, practice, or policy related to emerging adulthood, or who is otherwise interested in furthering the purposes of the SSEA. Current Membership:

  • Approximately 450 members

Links to the SSEA signature book series?

Signature books/journals: